German Cockroach Exterminator

American Cockroach or German Cockroach

Persistent Pests in North and South Carolina


It’s no secret that cockroaches are everywhere in the Carolinas. With high humidity and heat during the summer, mild winters, and plenty of precipitation, North and South Carolina provide a heaven on earth for roaches.


Did you know it only takes a few male and female roaches in your home or business to establish an infestation? One female roach can lay between 140 and 240 eggs within her four-month lifespan. If roaches are crawling all over your kitchen and bathroom floors at night, you may have 500 female roaches busily laying eggs behind walls.


That’s why residents of the Carolinas contact Clark’s Termite and Pest Control as soon as they spy roaches in their building. Clark uses industry-specific treatments that eradicate American or German cockroaches and prevent them from returning.


What to Know About the American Cockroach in North and South Carolina


American Cockroaches in the Carolinas
An American Cockroach


Sometimes called the palmetto bug, American cockroaches are among the most common household pests in the Carolinas. They are incredibly prolific and hardy, surviving as long as four months without food and about a month or two without water.


Identifying Features


Measuring between one and two inches in length, American cockroaches are one of the larger roach species. They have reddish-brown, broad, oval-shaped bodies that are flat enough to allow them to slide through tiny cracks and crevices. When startled or on the defensive, they may use their wings and fly a short distance. If you see a straw-colored figure-eight marking just behind the roach’s head, it’s likely an American Cockroach.


Health Risks of an American Cockroach Infestation


American cockroaches are significant carriers of bacteria, fungi, and parasites. They contaminate food, trigger allergic reactions, and cause psychological distress to people living with infestations. Over 100 bacterial infections, including protozoan parasite and worm infections, have been associated with this roach species.


The German Cockroach in North and South Carolina


German Cockroaches in the Carolinas
A German Cockroach


Smaller (around 1/2 inch in length) and less dark in color than the American cockroach, the German Cockroach has two short black stripes extending from behind its head to the wings. Like American cockroaches, they reproduce rapidly, spread diseases, exacerbate allergies, and contaminate food.


Cockroaches can cause severe damage to homes and businesses by chewing on different materials. They may chew on cardboard, wallpaper, and soft plastics when organic food is scarce. Cockroaches also damage electrical wires and increase the risk of short circuits and fires in a home or business.


Stop Cockroach Infestations Fast By Scheduling an Inspection Today


Although cockroaches differ in color and size, they all share one characteristic: they rapidly infest buildings, thrive in damp, dark places, and spread infectious diseases like salmonella and E. coli. In addition, roach droppings can worsen asthma and allergy symptoms in children, older adults, and people with compromised immune systems.


Call Clark’s Termite and Pest Control to receive the best cockroach exterminating services in North and South Carolina. Our technicians will quickly identify the source of the problem and implement effective treatment strategies to restore a healthy, safe environment for your family or customers.

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